Concrete as a Sustainable Building Material
As the concrete industry begins to grapple with the concept of sustainability, it is important to understand the complex factors to consider in truly declaring something sustainable. This presentation begins by helping the audience to understand why being sustainable matters, and why CO2 has been the critical focus of environmentalist and more recently regulators. It then leads the audience to more broadly discuss sustainability not as a single metric (CO2 emissions), but as a multivariable conversation. Critically concrete is well positioned to address many of these present challenges by simply reframing the conversations we have with the construction community. It also highlights some newer developments that will position the concrete industry to be leaders on issues of sustainable development.
- Understand the growing scale of real dollar impacts of climate change
- Understand why CO2 has been a focus of environmentalists and regulators
- Understand that sustainable is more than just the lowest CO2 emissions, but rather a multivariable problem
- Show that concrete is well positioned to address the full breadth of the sustainability challenge