Rebar Alternatives Save Big $$$

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Professional Development

The construction profession is constantly changing with new products and techniques being introduced every year. Critical to taking advantage of these innovation is understanding how to use and benefit from them. The Ernest Maier Family prioritizes educating our customers to give you an advantage in a competitive marketplace. Feel free to invite us over for a Lunch and Learn or roadshow. Many of our formal courses provide HSW (health, safety, and welfare credit).

Course Listing

Offered Courses

To schedule an AIA, BIA, or NCMA Continuing Education presentation at the Ernest Maier Architectural Design Center or at your office, call us at (202) 510-5545 or email

In-Person or Virtual Program:PD-01
Learning Units:1.0


Permeable Articulating Concrete Blocks (P-ACB) offers advantage over interlocking concrete pavers as permeable pavement system. By leaving joints open, these systems have substantially elevated surface infiltration rates and simplified maintenance processes. Because P-ACB systems use thicker blocks and they interlock, the surfaces can be HS-20 rated for heavy traffic– expanding the design possibilities. From a stormwater management and maintenance perspective it is possible to monitor the water level in the base and document performance and optimize maintenance schedule.


  1. After attending this session, participants should be able to: Compare and Contrast Articulating Concrete Blocks (ACB) [ASTM D6684] with Interlocking Concrete Pavers [ASTM C936]. Both of these systems support sustainable building by helping to better manage stormwater, because they are permeable pavement surfaces. The presence of open joints, substantially changes the properties of the system.
  2. After attending this session, participants should be able to: Understand how a P-ACB pavement system can be installed. The ideal process is: 1) Plan out the system, 2) Place and compact the base (including geofabrics) 3) Place the blocks 4) Place and pave asphalt/concrete. Correct installation is critical for its performance as a stormwater best management practice.
  3. After attending this session, participants should be able to understand the expected performance of a P-ACB pavement system as a stormwater best management practice.
  4. After attending this session, participants should be able to understand best practices to maintain a P-ACB pavement system to ensure proper performance over the life of the product as a stormwater best management practice

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